Digital Signature

skynet services UPS and Digital Signature Services Services

Digital Signature

A digital signature is an electronic form of a signature that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document, and also ensure that the original content of the message or document that has been sent is unchanged.

You can use Digital Signature Certificates for the followings: -
  • For sending and receiving digitally signed and encrypted emails
  • For carrying out secure web-based transactions, or to identify other participants of web-based transactions.
  • In eTendering, eProcurement, MCA [for Registrar of Companies efiling], Income Tax [for filing income tax returns] Applications, and also in many other applications.
  • For signing documents like MSWord, MSExcel, and PDFs
  • Plays a pivotal role in creating a paperless office.

We have completed around 30,000 DSC’s of Patwaries of Land Record Department, Gram panchayat sachiv and sarpanch of panchayat department covering all districts State Chhattisgarh. We also delivered more than 7000 DSC’s to Individual person/organizations. We have worked in State Telangana and Bihar for Digital Signature in government projects. We have also supplied Document signer in Chhattisgarh state treasury department and NHM department.

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